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Kundalini refers to an energy force coiled up at the base of our spine and typically illustrated by a "sleeping serpent". This indwelling spiritual energy can be awakened through spiritual practices such as yoga or meditation, as well as transmitted to others through shaktipat--the spiritual transmission by a Guru or Master. Upon the awakening of this potential energy force, the pathway from the root chakra to the crown chackra is opened and cleared, allowing the energy to travel along the chackras to clear any blockages and create balance.    


What is Kundalini Reiki?
 Kundalini  Reiki is one of the most powerful reiki healing methods and  
self-development. Kundalini is a latent force energy within 
each  person, believed to reside at the base of the spine. The goal of  
Kundalini reiki is to raise the energy from the the bottom of the  spinal column 
to the crown chakra.By opening and stimulating the major  chakra energy centers, 
we can channel reiki healing energy work for  ourselves and others simply by 
focusing our intention and connect to  the Source energy.

Benefits of Kundalini reiki:
Like any other health  alternative reiki type, kundalini heals and 
invigorates the body,  reduces stress levels and can be done in parallel with 
other medical  treatments. Kundalini reiki is a great way to 
overcome certain  difficulties related to feelings and emotions, sexual issues, 
grounding  or even lower chakra issues. The main goal of activating the 
kundalini  energy is to experience peace and love while increasing the levels of 

The beginnings:
The concept of kundalini reiki was coined  by Shree Ole Gabrielsen who was 
also a Meditation Master and managed to  inspire and motivate people 
worldwide. Kundalini method is a direct  result of his Holy Communion 
with Master Kuthumi. Kuthumi is considered  to be one of the members of the 
Spiritual Hierarchy which watches over  our development as humans to higher 
levels of consciousness. Kuthumi  expressed the goal of Kundalini activation 
that would expand our level  of consciousness and make Peace, Light and Love an 
immediate  possibility.

How does it work?
We can reach Kundalini  awakening in  various ways, but it usually works by 
having prolonged meditation,  yoga, fasting or having near-death  
experiences.The root chakra, which is the energy center located 
next to  the coccyx, is where the kundalini reiki energy enters our body. It is  
also known as the kundalini fire and as it enters through the coccyx,  the 
kundalini fire runs throughout our body, towards the main channel  and exits 
through the crown chakra. Kundalini is a very powerful  method 
to heal the energies in order to promote spiritual evolution on  our way to 
further enlightenment.

Difference between Reiki and Kundalini Reiki:

Both Reiki and Kundalini Reiki are focused on a vital healing force,  able to 
empower the patients with energy healing and self-development  experiences. 
While Reiki healing energy comes from a higher external  power so as the Reiki 
master can guide this vital energy to the painful  section of the body in order 
to allow for faster and more efficient  healing, Reiki Kundalini  is an inner 
force, being focused on the Root  Chakra. Before this healing energy is guided 
to the patient’s body, the  major chakra energy centers and channels have to be 
opened by Kundalini   practitioners so as the access to the Universal Energy 
Force is  achieved. 


What are Chackras?

The Human Energy Field or Aura is an energetic, multi-dimensional field that surrounds penetrates, and is the human body.  It has rivers of energy called meridians that nourish every organ and cell in our bodies.  These rivers are supplied by seven cone shaped, spinning vortexes of energy called chakras (pronounced "Shock-ra").  These chakras, in turn, collect energy from the Universal Energy Field that is all around us.

The seven chakras carry the colors of the rainbow spectrum.  The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine carries the color red.  The Sacral Chakra, our creative center, vibrates to the color orange.  The Solar Plexus Chakra, our self centeredness, carries the color yellow.  The Heart Chakra, our feeling center, resonates with the color green.  The Throat Chakra, responsible for our expression, carries the color blue.  The Brow Chakra radiates indigo is responsible for our dreams and questioning of spiritual things.  And the Crown Chakra radiates a violet or white, the highest vibrational rate in the spectrum.  A more in-depth description of the seven Chakras is listed below.

What is the function of each Chakra?


Each Chakra is associated with a particular part of the body and gland.  When the chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, a sense of physical well-being is achieved.

When the physical body is in a state of well being, the mind is at ease.  When chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, a state of mental clarity is attained.

When the chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, our energetic vibrational rate rises, allowing us to experience more of our true divine nature and connection with the sea of Universal Life energy that permeates all things.

What is the cause of blocked Chakras?
Chakras can become blocked through an emotional upset, such as conflict, loss, or accident.  Fear, anxiety and stress are common causes of chakra malfunction.  When blocks accumulate in the field, a disruption in the flow of energy through the Chakras result.  It is these blocks that disrupt the Harmony in the field and eventually are the cause of disease, as well as, emotional and mental disorders in the physical body.  

 How do the Chakras get back in balance?

Reiki, is a beautiful, loving way to balance the chakras.  It is a non-manipulative technique used to channel healing energy to the client through the practitioner's hands.  Using certain touch points on or off the body, the field is cleared of blocks, the chakras are restructured and a new level of awareness is reached.

The seven major Chakra points are as follows:


1. BASE (or Root Chakra)
Color: Red 
Gemstones to help strengthen and balance:

garnet, ruby, bloodstone, red jasper or agate 
Gemstones to help tone down and balance:

smoky quartz, black tourmaline, onyx, obsidian stones, or emeralds

This center is located at the base of the spine.  It's the Chakra closest to the earth and represents earthly grounding.   Fear is felt in this Chakra and it controls your sense of survival, or your fight or flight response.  Physically, it influences the suprarenal glands as well as the legs, feet, kidneys, bladder, and spine. When this chakra is weak, you may feel very tired, overly cautious, afraid of change, needing someone to light a fire under you, and feeling cold from poor circulation. When it is over energized, you may feel aggressive, oversexed, reckless, too impulsive or belligerent. 


2. SACRAL (or Spleen Chakra)

Color: orange 
Gemstones to help strengthen and balance:

carnelian, orange coral, orange agate or jasper 
Gemstones to help tone down and balance:

sodalite, blue lace agate, blue fluorite

This chakra is located on the spine in the lower abdomen, between the naval and the base of the spine.  It is associated with sexuality, creativity, emotions, desire, and the ability to sense things on a psychic level. Physically, it is linked to the reproductive system and the gonads (endocrine gland).  If this chakra is weak, you may feel unresponsive sexually and emotionally, anti-social, unoriginal, repressed.  Overactive can make one feel lustful, selfish, arrogant, and overburdened by too many vibes & impressions received from others.



Color: yellow 
Gemstones to help strengthen and balance:

citrine, golden topaz, amber, sunstone, golden beryl 
Gemstones to help tone down and balance:

amethyst, light purple fluorite, emerald, sapphire

Located at the spine just above the naval, this chakra is associated with the intellect and thinking process, our personal power, anger, strength and ability to take action.  Your sensitivity is stored here.  It is the seat of your emotional living.  This is an important psychic center, and where we experience “gut feelings” about someone or something.  It is where emotional baggage gets stored.  Physically it is linked to the digestive system (pancreas, stomach, liver, and gall bladder).  It helps the body assimilate nutrients.  A weak solar plexus chakra can mean a mental slump, lethargy, feeling isolated, feeling overcautious.  Overactive, it can cause nervousness, mental bullying or unrest, digestion problems, mental overload, and a general feeling of disharmony.




Color: green 
Gemstones to help strengthen and balance:

malachite, aventurine, jade, watermelon or green tourmaline  
Gemstones to help tone down and balance:

rose quartz, pink tourmaline, rhodochrosite

Located on the spine, in the area of the heart.  This chakra is associated with our ability to give and receive love, to feel compassion, to reach out to others.  The Asians say that this is the house of the soul as it deals with issues of the soul.  It is the center of the chakras, and can balance the activities of the seven energy centers.  Physically it is linked to the heart, lower lung area, circulatory system, the Thymus gland, and immune system.  An important chakra for healing.  When too weak, you may feel closed to others, low self-esteem, insecurity, jealousy, feeling unloved, "poor me" syndrome, and self-doubting.  Overactive, you may experience the "martyr" syndrome, giving too much of oneself, overconfident, jealousy and stinginess.



Color: blue 
Gemstones to help strengthen and balance:

turquoise, blue lace agate, aquamarine, celestite, blue topaz, lapis lazuli 
Gemstones to help tone down and balance:

carnelian, orange coral, orange agate or jasper

This chakra is located on the spine in the throat area, and is associated with our communication/expression abilities, right side of brain, speech, hearing. Physically it is linked to the throat, vocal cords, esophagus, mouth, teeth, thyroid and parathyroid glands, and upper lungs.  When weak, this may cause communication problems, an inability to express your feelings and ideas, withheld words, surrender to others.  An overactive throat chakra may result in negative speaking, criticizing, domineering words, hyperactive attitude, over-reacting, and stubborn beliefs.


6. THIRD EYE (or Brow Chakra)

Color: indigo or purple-blue
Gemstones to help strengthen and balance:

azurite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, star sapphire, blue sapphire 
Gemstones to help tone down and balance:

yellow-orange citrine, yellowish tiger-eye

This chakra is located mid forehead, just above the eyes, and on the center of your forehead.  This Chakra is used to question the spiritual nature of our life.  Our inner vision is contained here, inner dreams gifts of clairvoyance, wisdom and perception. The dreams of our life are held in this Chakra.  In order for this chakra to work at its best, the heart chakra must be strong and balanced.  Physically, this chakra is linked to the nervous system, lower brain, left eye, ears, nose, and the pituitary gland.  When weak, this center may cause self-doubt, forgetfulness, an inability to trust your instincts, headaches.  If overactive, you may be oversensitive, spaced out, and experiencing psychic overload.



Color: violet or white
Gemstones to help strengthen and balance:

clear quartz, amethyst, purple fluorite, sugilite, sapphire 
Gemstones to help tone down and balance:

light citrine, golden topaz, light amber.

This chakra is located at the top of the head, slightly to the back. It is associated with our feeling of "oneness" with the Universe, our spiritual wisdom, a final understanding, an alignment with our true inner spirit within.   Physically, this chakra is linked to the pineal gland, the upper brain, and right eye.  This Chakra is said to be your own place of connection to God/Christ/Buddha.  A weak crown chakra can cause a feeling of disconnection with the vital flow of life, uninspired, feeling misunderstood and practicing self-denial. Overactive, this may cause a disconnection with the earthly plane, being impractical, not connected with reality, over imaginative. 




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